Find out who I’ve worked with and how I’ve helped them
Feedback from Parents
“Your classes give them another safe space in their lives where they have a chance to think, feel and reflect, a space where they learn about feelings, where they learn that they are not alone in their feelings, where they can share with and listen to others…I think that your sessions are invaluable to my children. I’d love to see more schools taking you on to work with the children and staff. The world needs more Charlottes!” Louise
“My son has attended sessions with Charlotte for the past two years and we cannot recommend it enough. We have seen our son grow in confidence so much and he is much more able to express how he feels. He regularly brings home and shares little strategies he has learnt to help him to relax and this has benefited the whole family...we even get an occasional massage! Charlotte's calm, warm and empathetic approach further adds to the sessions. They are a great outlet for children to have some time out from the busy day, and to gain resilience to manage the inevitable highs and lows life brings us!” Gita
“My son has learned some basic tools in order to calm himself down when he gets wound up, he is also very open to talking about positive mental health. He loves the yoga element as well as the relaxation, mindfulness…he enjoys his classes so much, they are his favourite of the week and I've seen some positive changes in his mindset. I have done positive affirmations with him and he likes discussing what he's learned.” Erica

“Charlotte is truly amazing - patient, resourceful, insightful with a good sense of humour. We have had family sessions with Charlotte for a while now and they are the highlight of our week! And honestly, my kids wouldn't do this with just anybody.
The sessions are well-paced, developmentally appropriate to both of my children, engaging and resourceful. All of Charlotte's interactions with my children are affirming even when boundaries are needing to be held. From the exercises directly aimed at encouraging mindful breathing, to the playful games and the chatting in-between, Charlotte is purposefully working to build their self-esteem, encourage positive self-talk and calming skills. Charlotte also adapts her sessions and approach to fit as seamlessly as she can to my children's needs and personalities.
My children now readily start to take slow, deep breaths when finding homework challenging, or when needing to calm down after arguing with each other. These skills are skills for life that they can use in the classroom, the playground and continuing into adulthood.
Charlotte is a brilliant ally for any parent to have on their side and I recommend her wholeheartedly!
— N. Butcher, parent
“The kids have developed a real sense of what their various emotions are which has helped them understand themselves better and move towards managing some of their more powerful feelings” Kate, parent
Parents Workshops Testimonials
“The balloon breathing was amazing....you relaxed me more in those couple of minutes than any yoga class has done in an hour! Really looking forward to using the techniques to help my little monsters with their big emotional monsters…
Using your language stopped one of A's meltdowns in it's track simply because she said "how do you know to say that?!".”
— Sarah, parent
“The content was well thought through and well delivered.”
— Helen, parent
“I found it really informative and insightful and the tools and techniques suggested were useful and easy to put into practice.”
— Parent
Feedback from Schools
"I have a very energetic class and they were so quiet and relaxed. I think these sessions more often would increase children's wellbeing and would also help the teachers too because the children would be a lot more relaxed.”
— Skyswood primary school, Hertfordshire
“The pupils all really enjoyed the session, they were able to learn different techniques to help to relax themselves. The staff feedback has been fantastic - teachers have been able to learn techniques themselves to use within their class. All the pupils really enjoyed themselves during the session, even the children we thought wouldn't want to engage, were able to participate.”
— St Lukes School, Hertfordshire
“I thought that Charlotte explained how their brains work in really easy to understand ways. She created an amazing atmosphere of calm and even though there was so much going on, the activities enabled the children to feel calm, comfortable and settled.”
— Year 6 teacher, Hammond Academy
“Many of the children described feelings before the session as a bit sad, angry, tired, and frustrated. At the end they said they felt happier, calmer, peaceful or just felt better - one said they forgot the negative feelings they had at the start. One child said he felt calmer than ever before. Another said she felt happy and it was fun and liked finding out about the parts of the brain – she enjoyed the learning as well as the relaxing part.”
— Year 4 teacher, Hammond Academy