Suffering from burn out and need reminding why you’re already enough as you are?
Pop the kettle on, get comfy and let’s talk.
As spring arrives and beautiful flowers are blooming everywhere, it feels like we’re slowly emerging out of hibernation after a long, dark and often bleak winter. Whilst none of us can say whether we’re nearing the end of this war or not; after a battle comes a time for recovery, refuelling and reflection.
I believe that time is now.
Like the spring bulbs I planted in my garden, some of us are emerging from lockdown full of life, colour and energy, whilst others are looking a bit sad and beaten down (perhaps some plant food is needed?). The thing is, many of us have been juggling a multitude of things like working from home, home-schooling, taking care of friends and family, keeping the kids clean and fed and only when time allows, checking in with ourselves.
Burn out is not something that only the top CEOs or business people struggle with. I believe burn out comes as a result of prolonged and unrelenting stress (from any part of our lives) that we are either unaware of, or simply do not have the time to deal with.
Some symptoms of burn out are:
feeling exhausted emotionally, mentally and physically
Lacking motivation or purpose
Having less patience and feeling resentful
Getting ill more often
Not enjoying or looking forward to the things you usually love
If this sounds like you, let me be the alarm bell you need to stop what you’re doing and give yourself the time and space to recover. That means I give you permission to cancel plans you’ve made, leave the housework til later, let the dog walk himself around the garden and even take a mental health day off work if you need it.
I think the tragedy of the society we live in is that it functions on the very basis that we all believe we are not and have not got enough. So we spend more, work more, commit to more, do more, rush more, try more and compare more all to overcome that underlying feeling of not having or being enough.
This is a tragedy because it’s simply not true. Now stick with me here because I’m working against all of your limiting beliefs that are giving me two fingers up right now and saying ‘yeah yeah, whatever’.
You are more loved than you can ever imagine, by people you know, by people who are afraid to tell you and by people you’re not even aware of.
Your kind words, thoughts and actions have touched more people than you could ever hope to meet, and have very likely changed someone’s day, if not life.
Your uniqueness means we have never had nor will we ever have again anyone quite like your wonderful, vibrant and lovely self.
You don’t see yourself in your most vulnerable moments, like when you’re laughing, sleeping, singing or spending time with your loved ones, but that’s when you’re at your most beautiful and we sure wouldn’t change you.
Out of the millions of possibilities that could have happened at your conception, the world was blessed with you - gorgeous, strong YOU. You’re nothing short of a miracle.
And the best bit about all of this? The bit that your limiting beliefs are sure to hate? Regardless of what you do or don’t do today, all of the above is still true. Your level of enoughness is not dependent on what you achieve, and so your self-worth shouldn’t be, either.
I hope this speaks to you today whether you’re in a great place or not.
Sometimes we just need reminding of the beauty that we each bring to this world by simply being in it.
Ask yourself what you need today, and do that. If we’re not doing this and looking out for ourselves, we’re as useful as a chocolate teapot to others.